Betsy DeVos never went to public school. Her kids never went to public school. She never taught a day in her life. All she did was donate $200,000,000 to the Republican Party. I didn't know our public schools were for sale. #dumpdevos #saveourschools #resist
Trump just tweeted implying that the protests are related to problems with Delta Airlines- well he can't fake my reality: I was there last night at O'Hare, with many proud muslim-Americans, I even saw the McDonalds full of lawyers
This is my family. We represent 4 languages, 5 nations, and 6 religions. We are veterans, government employees, educators, engineers and entrepreneurs. We are all happy, healthy, PROUD Americans and most of us worked very, very hard to achieve that.
We are the lawyers volunteering at JFK. We need your HELP. If you are flying into JFK, help us by staying on the customs/immigration side and let us know if people are being detained. Tweet at @NoBanJFK #NoBanJFK
Nearly 100 attorneys came together at DFW Airport to help those detained. Through their efforts and pressure, an 11 month-old US Citizen and her lawful permanent resident mother were released earlier this afternoon.
Taken at the Dulles protests by a friend of mine-- a mother is reunited with her child after the child was detained traveling alone to the United States.
“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed, to me: I lift my lamp beside the golden door.” - Quote on the Statue of Liberty
This is, Judge Ann M. Donnelly, who issued the first stay of an executive order by President Donald Trump, which restricted immigration into the United States and prevented the return of green-card holders and others.